346 research outputs found

    An Advanced Home ElderCare Service

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    With the increase of welfare cost all over the developed world, there is a need to resort to new technologies that could help reduce this enormous cost and provide some quality eldercare services. This paper presents a middleware-level solution that integrates monitoring and emergency detection solutions with networking solutions. The proposed system enables efficient integration between a variety of sensors and actuators deployed at home for emergency detection and provides a framework for creating and managing rescue teams willing to assist elders in case of emergency situations. A prototype of the proposed system was designed and implemented. Results were obtained from both computer simulations and a real-network testbed. These results show that the proposed system can help overcome some of the current problems and help reduce the enormous cost of eldercare service

    Recent trends in IP/NGEO satellite communication systems: transport, routing, and mobility management concerns

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    Cost-Efficient Data Backup for Data Center Networks against {\epsilon}-Time Early Warning Disaster

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    Data backup in data center networks (DCNs) is critical to minimize the data loss under disaster. This paper considers the cost-efficient data backup for DCNs against a disaster with ε\varepsilon early warning time. Given geo-distributed DCNs and such a ε\varepsilon-time early warning disaster, we investigate the issue of how to back up the data in DCN nodes under risk to other safe DCN nodes within the ε\varepsilon early warning time constraint, which is significant because it is an emergency data protection scheme against a predictable disaster and also help DCN operators to build a complete backup scheme, i.e., regular backup and emergency backup. Specifically, an Integer Linear Program (ILP)-based theoretical framework is proposed to identify the optimal selections of backup DCN nodes and data transmission paths, such that the overall data backup cost is minimized. Extensive numerical results are also provided to illustrate the proposed framework for DCN data backup

    Optimization of Flow Allocation in Asynchronous Deterministic 5G Transport Networks by Leveraging Data Analytics

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    This research work was supported in part by the Euro- pean Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under the “Cloud for Holography and Augmented Reality (CHARITY)” Project under Agreement 101016509, and 5G- CLARITY Project under Agreement 871428. It is also partially supported by the Spanish national research project TRUE5G: PID2019-108713RB-C53.Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) and Deterministic Networking (DetNet) technologies are increasingly recognized as key levers of the future 5G transport networks (TNs) due to their capabilities for providing deterministic Quality-of-Service and enabling the coexistence of critical and best-effort services. Addi- tionally, they rely on programmable and cost-effective Ethernet- based forwarding planes. This article addresses the flow alloca- tion problem in 5G backhaul networks realized as asynchronous TSN networks, whose building block is the Asynchronous Traffic Shaper. We propose an offline solution, dubbed “Next Generation Transport Network Optimizer” (NEPTUNO), that combines ex- act optimization methods and heuristic techniques and leverages data analytics to solve the flow allocation problem. NEPTUNO aims to maximize the flow acceptance ratio while guaranteeing the deterministic Quality-of-Service requirements of the critical flows. We carried out a performance evaluation of NEPTUNO regarding the degree of optimality, execution time, and flow rejection ratio. Furthermore, we compare NEPTUNO with a novel online baseline solution for two different optimization goals. Online methods compute the flow’s allocation configuration right after the flow arrives at the network, whereas offline solutions like NEPTUNO compute a long-term configuration allocation for the whole network. Our results highlight the potential of data analytics for the self-optimization of the future 5G TNs.Union’s Horizon 2020, 1010165095G-CLARITY 871428TRUE5G: PID2019-108713RB-C53

    Blockchain and Deep Learning-Based IDS for Securing SDN-Enabled Industrial IoT Environments

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    The industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) involves the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies into industrial settings. However, given the high sensitivity of the industry to the security of industrial control system networks and IIoT, the use of software-defined networking (SDN) technology can provide improved security and automation of communication processes. Despite this, the architecture of SDN can give rise to various security threats. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to consider the impact of these threats on SDN-based IIoT environments. Unlike previous research, which focused on security in IIoT and SDN architectures separately, we propose an integrated method including two components that work together seamlessly for better detecting and preventing security threats associated with SDN-based IIoT architectures. The two components consist in a convolutional neural network-based Intrusion Detection System (IDS) implemented as an SDN application and a Blockchain-based system (BS) to empower application layer and network layer security, respectively. A significant advantage of the proposed method lies in jointly minimizing the impact of attacks such as command injection and rule injection on SDN-based IIoT architecture layers. The proposed IDS exhibits superior classification accuracy in both binary and multiclass categories

    Joint Network Slicing, Routing, and In-Network Computing for Energy-Efficient 6G

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    To address the evolving landscape of next-generation mobile networks, characterized by an increasing number of connected users, surging traffic demands, and the continuous emergence of new services, a novel communication paradigm is essential. One promising candidate is the integration of network slicing and in-network computing, offering resource isolation, deterministic networking, enhanced resource efficiency, network expansion, and energy conservation. Although prior research has explored resource allocation within network slicing, routing, and in-network computing independently, a comprehensive investigation into their joint approach has been lacking. This paper tackles the joint problem of network slicing, path selection, and the allocation of in-network and cloud computing resources, aiming to maximize the number of accepted users while minimizing energy consumption. First, we introduce a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) formulation of the problem and analyze its complexity, proving that the problem is NP-hard. Next, a Water Filling-based Joint Slicing, Routing, and In-Network Computing (WF-JSRIN) heuristic algorithm is proposed to solve it. Finally, a comparative analysis was conducted among WF-JSRIN, a random allocation technique, and two optimal approaches, namely Opt-IN (utilizing in-network computation) and Opt-C (solely relying on cloud node resources). The results emphasize WF-JSRIN's efficiency in delivering highly efficient near-optimal solutions with significantly reduced execution times, solidifying its suitability for practical real-world applications.Comment: Accepted at the 2024 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2024

    Deep Reinforcement Learning based Collision Avoidance in UAV Environment

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have recently attracted both academia and industry representatives due to their utilization in tremendous emerging applications. Most UAV applications adopt Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) due to ongoing regulations. There is a consensus between industry for extending UAVs’ commercial operations to cover the urban and populated area controlled airspace Beyond VLOS (BVLOS). There is ongoing regulation for enabling BVLOS UAV management. Regrettably, this comes with unavoidable challenges related to UAVs’ autonomy for detecting and avoiding static and mobile objects. An intelligent component should either be deployed onboard the UAV or at a Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) that can read the gathered data from different UAV’s sensors, process them, and then make the right decision to detect and avoid the physical collision. The sensing data should be collected using various sensors but not limited to Lidar, depth camera, video, or ultrasonic. This paper proposes probabilistic and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL)-based algorithms for avoiding collisions while saving energy consumption. The proposed algorithms can be either run on top of the UAV or at the MEC according to the UAV capacity and the task overhead. We have designed and developed our algorithms to work for any environment without a need for any prior knowledge. The proposed solutions have been evaluated in a harsh environment that consists of many UAVs moving randomly in a small area without any correlation. The obtained results demonstrated the efficiency of these solutions for avoiding the collision while saving energy consumption in familiar and unfamiliar environments.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish national project TRUE-5G (PID2019-108713RB-C53)

    Cooperative Jamming and Relay Selection for Covert Communications

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    This paper investigates the covert communications via cooperative jamming and relay selection in a wireless relay system, where a source intends to transmit a message to its destination with the help of a selected relay, and a warden attempts to detect the existence of wireless transmissions from both the source and relay, while friendly jammers send jamming signals to prevent warden from detecting the transmission process. To this end, we first propose two relay selection schemes, namely random relay selection (RRS) and max-min relay selection (MMRS), as well as their corresponding cooperative jamming (CJ) schemes for ensuring covertness in the system. We then provide theoretical modeling for the covert rate performance under each relay selection scheme and its CJ scheme and further explore the optimal transmit power controls of both the source and relay for covert rate maximization. Finally, extensive simulation/numerical results are presented to validate our theoretical models and also to illustrate the covert rate performance of the relay system under cooperative jamming and relay selection

    Explicit Load Balancing Technique for NGEO Satellite IP Networks With On-Board Processing Capabilities

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    Moving Target Defense based Secured Network Slicing System in the O-RAN Architecture

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    The open radio access network (O-RAN) architecture's native virtualization and embedded intelligence facilitate RAN slicing and enable comprehensive end-to-end services in post-5G networks. However, any vulnerabilities could harm security. Therefore, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) security threats can even threaten O-RAN benefits. This paper proposes a novel approach to estimating the optimal number of predefined VNFs for each slice while addressing secure AI/ML methods for dynamic service admission control and power minimization in the O-RAN architecture. We solve this problem on two-time scales using mathematical methods for determining the predefined number of VNFs on a large time scale and the proximal policy optimization (PPO), a Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithm, for solving dynamic service admission control and power minimization for different slices on a small-time scale. To secure the ML system for O-RAN, we implement a moving target defense (MTD) strategy to prevent poisoning attacks by adding uncertainty to the system. Our experimental results show that the proposed PPO-based service admission control approach achieves an admission rate above 80\% and that the MTD strategy effectively strengthens the robustness of the PPO method against adversarial attacks.Comment: 6 page